Saying For Today: We dream of that Love, but we cannot live It without evolving to be It.
Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs
*Serlunar. The Intimacy of Flowers IV. Flickr
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The other day I wrote of depth, and this relates to Intimacy. Here, I do not mean, as readers of my work over years know, of merely a physical or emotional closeness. Intimacy is, rather, another Withinness, and this is cultivated by a very small majority of society. This is true East and West. And, within religions, one leading researcher has estimated this type of life is not cultivated by about ninety-five percent of adherents, again East or West, Christian or Buddhist or Hindu or .... If this is true, so goes the perception of many Westerners that in the Indian subcontinent is a veritable field of spiritual enlightenment. Regardless the culture, we are, as humans, still not well developed as spiritual beings. Hopefully, that is the nest step in Emergence, as we must leap outside our attachment to feeling (subjectivity) and reason (objectivity), and unite this in a higher, more embracing depth.
A closeness, or Intimacy, transcending thought and feeling is cultivated by different deep spiritual practices. This means, if you cultivate this Intimacy, then, you will discover few can connect with you with-It, and some will just find you odd. Also, you may find you learn to "tone" it down, or "hide" it somewhat, for you see persons simply cannot handle it. You might be tempted to take this personally, but this is about the Intimacy and not you - ... That you are.
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Part of the cultivation of this Intimacy is to get grounded and not be unwisely reckless with It. You may find it odd to hear this, but this Closeness, which is not personal but beyond-personal, can lead to major problems in relationships. Possibly, this is why so many deeply spiritual beings seem somewhat remote, or detached. They are in Love with Intimacy Itself, and have found there is really almost no one around to share that with. ... This is one reason I write so much, to express what I can rarely express elsewhere, and I write knowing possibly few will read what I write.
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The Intimacy is Its own blessing. Now, just imagine, you go to work or to school or elsewhere with persons untouched by such Depths of Beauty. They are living on the surfaces - even if talented or intellectual or wealthy or living in a plush neighborhood or traveling the world or .... Who will begin to understand the quiet depths they feel from you? How will you live among them? Possibly, you will find that your enjoyment of those quiet depths will carry you along day-by-day, with or without shared understanding of what is happening within you - That you have become and is becoming you. Recall, the Rose shares its scent by simply being a Rose. Like a Rose, you will not assert the Intimacy, and you will not feel you need to think that you are better than others - Love makes you more human, not less human; so, Intimacy is accented humanness. - This would be like the Rose saying "I am a Rose and, so, better than the Daffodil." No, a Rose is unconsciously what it is, even as Love is simply Love and does not have to do anything to be Itself. Also, Love does not have to see Itself as an absence of something else or better even than hate.
Still, one must be aware that this may have a price attached to it... that is, it may cost a person the enjoyment of human companionship and mutual-understanding that we humans naturally enjoy. There are logical, or rational, reasons for this in the context of the evolution of consciousness, but that is not for this writing. Yet, again, in most societies, and in most religions, there is little education, if any, in this vital area of evolution, or emergence. Our present consciousness cannot sustain the Love to which we are called as a human family. We dream of that Love, but we cannot live It without evolving to be It.
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*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi ~ a Hospice Chaplain, interspiritual author, writer, poet, and bicyclist. He is someone in love with Life and inviting others to that same ecstasy of Love ~ and, by the way, herein is nothing he claims as his own.